to add admins you need to decide what level admin you want to make. there are different levels of admins you can define while adding admins. for example you can add an admin that can only kick players and he can't do anything else on your server . or you want an admin that can only change the map on your server. to do this,
go to your cs 1.6 server main folder that is HLDS and then go to cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs and open users.ini file with notepad.
by default there are no admins defined in users.ini file. so your users.ini file should look like this.
; Users configuration file
; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/users.ini
; Line starting with ; is a comment
; Access flags:
; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
; c - amx_kick command
; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
; f - amx_map command
; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)
; Account flags:
; a - disconnect player on invalid password
; b - clan tag
; c - this is steamid/wonid
; d - this is ip
; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
; k - name or tag is case sensitive. eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"
; is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody
; can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"
; Password:
; Add to your autoexec.cfg: setinfo _pw ""
; Change _pw to the value of amx_password_field
; Format of admin account:
; Examples of admin accounts:
; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
"loopback" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
so lets start adding some admins in it. you can see that there is help available in this file. you should read carefully to know more things at your own. but lets add an admin that have full power on your server.
add the following line in the end of your users.ini file
"PrO WoW" "Arsalan" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
so you can see there are 4 parts of the above line. lets talk about each part in detail.
"PrO WoW" "lArsalan" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
part 1 contains the information of the player that you want to make admin. you can write Nick Name or Ip address of the player.
if you wanna make admin by nick name then write the nick name of person here, when you will use nick name to make admins then that person can join your server with his nick from any pc and can handle your server with his specific powers.
if you wanna make admin by ip address then write the ip address of the person here. when you use ip address to make admins then your admin will not need exact nick name to enter in your server, but he will not be able to access your server as admin from any other pc that has different ip,
so mostly we make admins by nick name so our admins can handle ourserver from any ip or pc, why we should use nick? because most of players from internet have dynamic ip and when their ip will be changed they will not be able to access your server with admin powers.
and we mostly make admins by ip on our local LAN.
Part 2:
"PrO WoW" "Arsalan" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
part 2 of the line contains the password for your admin, you can also leave this field empty, but you must provide "" to declare it as empty password, if you leave this field empty your admin will not need to enter password in their consol before joining the server. otherwise they will need to enter the password in their consol before joining the server.
how to enter password in consol?
to enter password in consol write this line if you are using our automatic server.
setinfo _li Arsalan
setinfo is must to be written at start of line, then _li is a server specific symbol. it means if you are using our automatic server then you have to write _li here, you can use _pw for other servers, then the last part of line is loversinn, its a password, so you will write setinfo _li loversinn if you are using our server, otherwise you can use setinfo _pw Arsalan
Part 3:
"PrO WoW" "Arsalan" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
part 3 contains the powers of admin. in the example above the admins has all powers, you can increase or decrease powers of admins by adding or removing some flags, the description of flags are written in the users.ini file but still im writing them here.
; Access flags:
; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
; c - amx_kick command
; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
; f - amx_map command
; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)
so if you wanna make an admin with only kick power then see what flag is for kick power, it is "C" flag,
so make your admin with only "C" power, if you want someone to change the map on your server then you can set his power as "F", so if you want someone to kick and change map then you'll use "cf" , and like this you can add as many power flags as you want.
Part 4:
"PrO WoW" "Arsalan" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
part 4 is about how you will restrict your admins to connect your server as admins. it is called as account flags, here is the list of account flags that you can use,
; Account flags:
; a - disconnect player on invalid password
; b - clan tag
; c - this is steamid/wonid
; d - this is ip
; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
; k - name or tag is case sensitive. eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"
; is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody
; can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"
so if you want your admins to enter password before they access your server with their powers then you will use flag "A", this will kick them if they didn't enter the password or if they entered the wrong password. this is must if you are using passwords on admins, if you are using ip address on 1st part then you have to use flag "D" and if you are using steam ids on 1st part then you have to write "C" flag, you can add more than one flags here, but be carefull about how you use them,
so i think you have come to understand how to make admins, i am giving you some examples below of different types of admins,
; Examples of admin accounts:
; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
so if i left something to tell you or you couldn't understand something then let me know, you can post your comments down here with what you need to know more about it,