Plugins, Mod etc

A software

by PrO WoW

hmmmm!!! so you are tired of the cs background image....thats look odd...hmm!!! want to change that and put your favorite image in it...well you can do it by this program

Its simple and easy
Wanna look my cs background??

here is pic
mine cs background

just follow these steps
1) Download this software from  here
2) Install it and run
3) Select your Language & then browse to hl.exe of your game & click Open
4) Select the game ie. Counter Strike 1.6 & click OK
5) Click on load picture & select the picture you want to put as background.
6) Then select the resolution you play cs at.
7) Click Make cs background.It will say that Background has been created.
8) Click Run cs & voila...there is your background.

Done :) have fun with your new stylish background :)

                                PrO WoW ModifiCatIoN's
download my new counter strike 1.6 modifications extract it and replace it with the cs files

download it from here PrO WoW ModifiCatIonS's
 Have fun with your customized counterstirke 1.6  

Note: this is for cs 1.6 game not server 

so you are looking for some plugins to make your  server cool?? 

here are some for you 

have fun :)
 Last man bets

When two people remain, one on each team, the other players will have the
chance to bet a sum ofmoney on who will win the round.
You have to have a minimum of $100 (adjustable through a cvar) to place a bet,
but then you can raise your bet as much as your wallet performs.
If your bet wins, you win the other betters money. The more you bet, the more
you win. If you win. :-)
Everything is completely menu driven, no need to learn any commands or anything.
Bots bet automatically.

Pots: If no one bets on winning player, all failing bets will be added to the pot.
The next player to
win a bet (win the most money, if more win the same bet), gets the pot.
If pot is not collected before map ends/server shuts down/crashes ;-) it will be
there for next map.

Example: If you bet $200 on the t player, and another person bets $100 on the
t player, and the
t player wins, you will receive 2/3rds of the total sum of money bet by all players.

Winning over $16000: Win prizes (optional)! For the money you win over $16000,
you receive something:

For each You receive

$1000 Xtra life (respawn as long as round did not end when you died, a note to all
players go out
that you respawned - and how many lives you have left)
$100 Health boost (+100 health when spawning)
$10 Assault suit (if you don't have 100 armour when spawning, you will be given a
full assault

Download: click here

Instant AutoTeamBalance


Ever be pissed off you had to wait a whole round after autoteambalance being triggered for
teams to be balanced ?
This plugin balances teams as soon as autoteambalance is triggered


iatb_active < 0|1 >
0 : plugin disabled - 1 : plugin enabled if mp_autoteambalance is 1
iatb_admins_immunity < 1|0 >
Enable / Disable admins immunity
Note: admins will still be balanced by standart autoteambalance
iatb_message < "text here" >
Displayed text when teams are balance

mp_autoteambalance 1 write this line to your server.cfg

Download:  click here

 Show Admins Online


This Plugin Shows How Many Admins Are Online And Their Names
Via Hud Msg.
The Position Of Hud Msg Can Be Changed Via Cvars Also
The Colors Can Be Changed For Online Msg And Offline Msg.

sa_plugin_on "1" -> Turn Admin Show On/Off
sa_online_color "0 130 0" -> When Admin Online Is Default Color Green sa_offline_color "255 0 0" ->
When No Admin On Server Default Color Red
sa_msg_xypos "0.02 0.2" -> Hud Msg Position Currently On Left Side

If You Want To Have The Hud Msg On Right Side Set Cvar sa_msg_xypos "0.8 0.2"

Download:  click here

Ultimate Gore v1.6

This plugin adds gore effects. It is configured
with the cvar "amx_gore" using these flags:

a - Headshot blood
b - Extra blood effects
c - Bleeding on low health
d - Gib explosion (Explosives and damage over "amx_gore_exphp")
e - Extra Gory Mode
f - Extra Headshot Gore Only (same as with flag "e")
g - Hostage Gore (CS/CZ Only)

Download:  click here

Afk bomb

Drop's the bomb when the player is afk

Download:  click here

afk kick

kick afk player

Download: click here

Ultimate sound

sats sound (multikill,headshot etc)

Downlaod:  click here

 SpecInfo v1.3.1

This plugin displays a list of spectators currently viewing the live player.
This list is visible to the living player as well as other players currently
spectating that player. Also spectators can see which movement commands the live player is using

Cvars (First value is default):
si_enabled <1|0> : Enables all plugin functionality.

si_list_enabled <1|0> : Enables spectator list.
si_keys_enabled <1|0> : Enables spectator key view.
si_list_default <1|0> : Default on/off state for spec list when a client joins.
si_keys_default <1|0> : Default on/off state for key view when a client joins.

si_immunity <0|1> : Enables admin immunity; Admins won't show on spec list.

si_msg_r <45|...> : HUD message red value.
si_msg_g <89|...> : HUD message green value.
si_msg_b <116|...> : HUD message blue value.

Make sure you place the specinfo.txt file in addons\amxmodx\data\lang

Download:  click here

 Stealth assasin

You have the option of making knifes one hit kills, turning down knife users visibility (so they can hide), making the knife user view in third person, giving a speed boost to knife users, and gives them no footstep sounds. Most of these things are configurable with the cvars below:


amx_stealthvalue <0-255>
-Changes how visible you are when stealthing.

amx_stealth3rdperson <0 or 1>
-Set to 0 if you don't want players turning to third person view when using knife.

-Set to bonus speed you want knife users to get, turn to 325 to make players go default speed
(no bonus).

amx_stealthonehitkill <0 or 1>
-Switches to turn one hit knife kills off or on.


amx_stealthmode <0 or 1>
-Switches all players to their knifes, sets to darker lighting, and drops guns if users try to switch
to them.

Download:  click here

Colored Smokenades

This plugin makes smokegrenade an color grenade


sv_colored_smoke 0-2 (default: 1)
0 - Colored smokenades disabled
1 - Random type from 6 colors
2 - Team type, the smoke will have color of team who threw that smoke

Download:  click here
 Headshot DeluXe

This ported plugin from AMXmod make special FX when Headshots are made.

It displays a small statistical HUD message when you make a HS.

You can choose and specify the message you want to be displayed to the victim, to the killer, and/or to the other players.

A special HS top5 is made at every map ( say /hsAll to display it ).

Also you have a FUN mode with random sounds for killer and victim.

All is fully customisable ( HUD messages, sounds, language ).

Just take a look at commands_cvars.txt that you will found in the zip

Download:  click here

Ip shower

Description: Ip shower is a plugin designed to show the IP and country of players connecting to a server, but can be configured to display their Steam
ID instead.

Example: Player has connected/disconnected. (

Download:  click here

Game name changer

Change the name of the game in the server list like from Counter-Strike to Super-Strike.

How to use:
In server.cfg, put amx_gamename "Put Name Here"

Download:  click here

 ADmin/playr model

with this plugin you can
configure the models with an INI-file
add own models for your server
add models for the bots
automatically choose the models for the sides
simply type the command in the chat to change the model

4 commands are hardcoded, but the models are configurable
/admin for the admin model (kick-rights needed)
/adminine or /admingirl for a female admin model
/special for a bot model (bots use this automatically)
/default to reset to CS models
copy the models to 
copy the aam.ini to 
copy the aam.amxx to 
add the line aam.amxx to your plugins.ini

Download:  click here

This plugin make players gasp/cough and/or loose hp when they are in the smoke of a smoke grenade.

.: Cvars :.
amx_gasnades < 1|0 >
enable|disable the plugin
amx_gasobeyFF < 1|0 >
for the plugin to act according to cvar mp_friendlyfire (def=0)
amx_gascheck < cycle in seconds >
how often does it do damage/gasp(see 2 next cvars) in secs (def=2) -
amx_gasdmg < amount of damage >
how much damage does it do every check cycle (see amx_gascheck cvar) (def=2)
amx_smokegasp < 0|1 >
Gasping sounds when in the gas (def=1)
amx_gasradius < radius in units >
The radius toxic gas takes effect. The radius at 180-220 equals to appearance of smoke

that a grenade spreads. Beware that the appearance of smoke won't increases by this

value. if it is 0, damage takes no effects. (def=200)
amx_gas_restore < 0|1 >
restore players HP (def=1)
amx_gaslife < timelength > (default 25)
Time it takes to the gaz to disappear
amx_gas_nosmoke < 0|1 >
See the smoke or not (def=0)
Note: put the gaspsound in hlds\cstrike\sound folder

Download:  click here

 Admin Thunder
- New slay inspired from AdminMod
- The victim will be hit by a lightning bolt and will explode creating some nasty blood and some
smoke. The thunder sound is there to make things more realistic and funny.

Command ( write in game console console)amx_thunder 

Download:  click here

 Bullet whizz

.: Description :.
Now you can hear bullets fly by if an enemy is shooting at you. This seriously  add suspense to cs.
Anyhow, I just wanted to test the new stock function KoST made for me.

.: Cvars :.amx_bulletwhizz (D: 1) - on/off plugin
amx_bulletwhizz_dis (D: 35) - max distance to hear the whizz sound
.: Sound Files :.
- misc/whizz1.wav
- misc/whizz2.wav
- misc/whizz3.wav
- misc/whizz4.wav
- misc/whizz5.wav

Download:  click here

Leave message

This plugin allows players to set a leave message (with a say commmand) that will be printed to all players when they leave the server. The message is stored by vaults so you don't have to set  the message each time you connect. Plugin features can also be set to admin only.

- Sets leave message

/leavemsg remove - Removes your current leave message

Download:  click here

 Reload bar

This plugin puts a reload bar when you are reloading. ( Same as a bar when bomb planting. )

Bugs: Timeing can be a little off because the bar needs to be a whole second

Download:  click here

 Grenade Enhancer v.1.2

Description: This plugin was for adminmod, but this one is for amxx and has a nice effect. The hegrenade does more damage,wich is set from a cvar, via slap.Also, you're screen turns to red for a moment(victim). The grenade can be set to have a trail.

Credits: This plugin was modified by my friend nO m3rcy.....

grenade_enhancer 1/0 - enabled/disabled (default 1)
grenade_enhancer_screenflash 1/0 - enable/disable screenflash (default 1)
grenade_enhancer_shake 1/0 - enabe/disable screenshake (default 1)
grenade_enhancer_display 1/0 - enable/disable displaying damage (default 1)
grenade_enhancer_trail 1/0 - enable/disable trail (default 1)
grenade_enhancer_damage - set the ammount of extra damage (default 10)
grenade_enhancer_damagetype 0/1/2 - slap type: none/forward/random (default 2)
grenade_enhancer_trailcolor - RGB color for the trail. (default 255000000)

Download: click here

Bouncing gernades 

This is a simple plugin that makes the grenades from gl bounce and glow.


kl_bounce = On(1) Off(0)kl_bouncy = Change how much the grenade should be able to bounce

Download: click here
