To Reduce Server Lag Plz Follow These Steps :
Start the server, Press CTRL+ALT+DEL, right click on it and then click go to process , right click again and set Priority-Realtime.
Step 2 The second step is:
Go to hlds folder and make shortcut of hlds.exe to desktop.....Right click on the shortcut and press Properties, and in the first raw you have Target E:\server\hlds\hlds.exe
Go to hlds folder and make shortcut of hlds.exe to desktop.....Right click on the shortcut and press Properties, and in the first raw you have Target E:\server\hlds\hlds.exe
Now add this line -console -game cstrike -pingbooster 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map afk_6killer
after the E:\server\hlds\hlds.exe
Step 3 The third step is to install booster.
You can download booster from here, unzip it (directly in addons or copy the booster folder in
Hlds\cstrike\addons, Then go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini open it and write this line
win32 addons\hlbooster\dlls\booster_mm.dll
Now go to HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg open it and write this line at the end
exec addonns/hlbooster/hlbooster.cfg
The person's who had downloaded my server (from my site) dont need to install booster bcz they already have.